Our story

Nova Info Tech Myanmar Co. LTD. was established in 2020, started with only 3 people. Today we have 50 employees and helping our clients across all verticals to increase productivity, accelerate business growth and deliver outstanding customer satisfaction. It specializes in IT infrastructure solutions and services to support our clients’ digital transformation. With a new generation business model and superior customer service, our products and services will give our clients the tools they need to succeed.

Our Mission

Innovative and highly committed to provide our customers with a quality service for planning, building, securing, and managing world- class business solutions to enable them to achieve business success and protect their IT investment.

Our Vision

To serve to exceed our customer expectation and  be  the  most  reliable  and  leading Integrated  System  Solutions  Provider  in Myanmar. Aim to provide the best IT solution services along our client’s digital transformation journey and to be part of long- term reliable for customer success.Though technology-driven, we’re service-led. Our customers are our number one priority and we strive to deliver them a service experience that’s second to none.


Why Choose Us

exceed customer expectations

Office efficiency & Productivity

Cost Efficient & affordable

24/7 customer Support

Meet our team


Nan Khin Yu

Human Resource Manager

Aung Hein

Project Manager

Naw Bwe Paw

Senior Sales Manager

Christ Zaw

Marketing Manager
Managing Director

Win Min Tun

Chief Technical Officer

Jasmine Aye

Development Manager

Owmar Naing

Quality Assurance
Sai Zayar Myint

Ye Min Paing

Key Account Manager
Creative Photos

Yan Myo Ko

Senior IT Executive
Htet Win Oo

Htet Win Oo

Business Executive
Kyaw Zaw Lin

Yar Zar Lin

Network Engineer
Aye Thandar Myint

Aye Thuzar

Customer Support

Client Testimonials

"A Special thanks to Nova Info Tech Myanmar, we are able to gain real-time visibility into our customers interest and follow up the inquiries"
Ko Zarni Aung, Yoma Bank
" NIT Myanmar supported our internal office requirements which end up reaching to our company success and further collaborations"
Phyo Thiha, Zino Tech Myanmar
“ The way y'all listen to your clients while also prioritizing suitable, affordabe product solution should be the gold standard"
Ms. Su Yi Win, Prudential Myanmar Insurance
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